Public event

2023-10-13 - Erasmus Days-an appropriate annual event that simu... - Marija Klasić Petrović

2023-10-13 - Sport event 3 - Goran Karafiloski

2023-10-05 - Special Day - Healthy snacks - Andrea Záhorská

2023-10-03 - Sport event - Trainers at school - Adam Kuchárik

2023-10-02 - Sport event - safe route - Edita Miháliková

2023-09-29 - Quadrilla dance - on the city square all students... - Zvonko Beissmann

2023-09-25 - Quidditch - croatian sport team game with loop and... - Zvonko Beissmann

2023-09-18 - Cross - School Sport Agency

2023-09-06 - Special Day for new students in the school- Emaus - Zvonko Beissmann, Principal of the school

2023-06-23 - Food Event - Healthy evening - Miroslava Múdra Vaňková

2023-06-20 - FRUIT DAY - Marija Klasić Petrović

2023-05-25 - Special day - dance event Quadrilla in which parti - Zvonko Beissmann

2022-07-01 - Summer food challenge - Marija Klasić Petrović

2022-06-17 - Hiking - steps Day - Katarína Turzová

2022-06-14 - Sport event - Martina Tomková

2022-06-10 - Olympic games - Miroslava Múdra Vaňková

2022-06-06 - Start the Summer with CHL - Silviu Candale, Alina Creț

2022-06-06 - Sport Event - Esra Er

2022-06-06 - Sport Event - Esra Er

2022-06-01 - School in nature - Jana Trnená

2022-05-25 - Quadrilla dance - Zvonko Beissmann

2022-05-21 - Special Day - Esra Er

2022-05-16 - Sport Event - Esra Er

2022-05-16 - Football competition - Martina Tomková

2022-05-11 - Food diary - Mirela Generalić

2022-05-09 - Sport Event - Esra Er

2022-05-09 - Sport Event - Esra Er

2022-05-09 - Special Day - European IKG Week - Vera Bilandžić

2022-05-02 - Healthy Food Event (blog page) - Esra Er

2022-04-25 - Sport Event - Esra Er

2022-03-21 - Steps Day - Creț Alina

2022-03-21 - Sport Event - Esra Er

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